FlightScope Mevo Plus Review [2023] – High Performance Golf Tracker

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In 2020 at the PGA Merchandise Show, the makers at FlightScope revealed a much anticipated product - the FlightScope Mevo Plus launch monitor. In this FlightScope Mevo Plus review, we go over everything you need to know about this golf tracker.

How to buy the FlightScope Mevo Plus.

Key Features.

Light testing data.

The Mevo Plus adds a ton of features over the original Mevo and is the perfect base to all of the best at home golf simulators if you are looking to build your own DIY.

Verdict: Recommended
Mevo Plus Launch Monitor
Portable Golf Launch Monitor & Golf Simulator

The Mevo Plus is prove that you no longer need to pay tens of thousands of dollars or haul around a 15 pound box to get incredible accuracy, full golf simulation features, and thorough data on every shot.

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Table of Contents

For those of you who don’t know, FlightScope is an industry-leading sports technology company focusing on high-performance 3D tracking radars for a bunch of different sports. Their tour-grade golf launch monitor is the FlightScope X3.

More recently in 2017 they came out with a beloved product on the other end of the price spectrum, the Mevo. And now as of 2021 we have the Mevo Plus. You can think of the Mevo+ as falling somewhere between the two prior FlightScope products in size, price, and features. 

I really enjoyed writing this Mevo Plus review because I think the Mevo+ is a game changer and I’m excited to see where it takes the golf industry! As technology improves, we are seeing better and better golf launch monitors and golf simulators at lower and lower prices.

I believe the Mevo Plus is the embodiment of this trend as it offers remarkable accuracy and top simulation at a price point that is a mere fraction of what we used to have to pay for a product with similar features.

How does the FlightScope Mevo+ differ from the Mevo?

Much like an iPhone release, the first question on everyone’s mind was what kind of improvements and new features could be expected by the Mevo+ as compared to the original Mevo. 

In short, you can expect 3 key differences that I will explore further below:

  1. Eight additional data parameters
  2. Improved and incredible accuracy
  3. Added entertainment value with simulated golf

The Original Mevo has a strong fan following, and for good reason. The Mevo is small, hardy, and produces excellent data considering it’s incredibly cheap price point. You can check out my full Mevo review here

But with this Mevo+ review I’m going to make a contentious argument that the Mevo+ is actually leaps and bounds beyond the Mevo. The extra features do a good job making up for the price difference between the two. Below, I'll show you that I have good numbers below to back up my argument.

Mevo Plus Features: Additional Data Parameters

The FlightScope Mevo+ measures all the same parameters as the Mevo, plus an additional eight. All in all, every shot measures:

  • Carry Distance
  • Club Head Speed
  • Ball Speed
  • Smash Factor
  • Spin Rate
  • Angle of Attack
  • Spin Axis
  • Spin Loft
  • Horizontal Launch Angle
  • Vertical Launch Angle
  • Lateral Landing
  • Total Distance
  • Roll Distance
  • Apex Height
  • Flight Time
  • Shot Shape

For me, I was most excited to see Angle of Attack (AOA) added to the list. In my opinion, this measurement is very important. If you find you have a negative AOA I can guarantee you are not getting the most potential out of your driver (unless you have very fast swing speed).

But let’s get to my favorite point:

My Favorite Mevo Plus Feature: Insane Accuracy

For me, by far and away the greatest feature of the Mevo+ is it’s unbeatable accuracy. 

When it comes to purchasing a launch monitor, much like any piece of technology, what you pay for is what you get. The number one reason golfers invest higher sums of money into a launch monitor is because they want to get the most accurate numbers possible.

Accurate numbers = accurate adjustments = effective practice sessions. It’s as easy as that. 

But I have good news for you. As we’ve seen with computers and cell phones, technology rapidly improves. And as it improves, it also gets cheaper. Accuracy numbers that professional players once had to pay tens of thousands for are now available to the average hack like me! 

Testing The Mevo+ Vs the GCQuad

Allow me to elaborate with some numbers. Our Australian friends over at ND Golf paired the $2,000 Mevo Plus up against the $14,000 GCQuad. In other words, the newborn Mevo+ up against the most advanced launch monitor ever produced. The accuracy numbers were simply astounding.

The following was obtained outdoors with a driver. No metallic ball stickers were used:

ShotDeviceBall Speed (mph)Club Speed (mph)Smash FactorCarry (yds)Spin (rpm)
GC Quad1511081.4211.22,479
GC Quad1481081.37199.33,490
GC Quad1521071.42210.33,079
GC Quad1531051.45209.43,137
GC Quad1531071.43208.53,263
Average Difference-0.45%-2.96%2.48%-2.71%0.93%

Thanks to ND Golf for the great work! 

As you can see, the Mevo Plus more than held up with the GCQuad! I can hardly believe it as I type that out.

The accuracy of the Mevo+ is striking.

Testing the Accuracy of the Mevo vs the Mevo+

With the Mevo+ proving it's incredible accuracy above, the next question naturally follows - if the Mevo Plus is so accurate, how does the original Mevo hold up against it? Let’s see some data again.

The following was obtained indoors with a wedge:

ShotDeviceBall speed (mph)Club speed (mph)Smash FactorCarry (yds)Spin (rpm)Launch (deg)
Mevo +4444.30.9937.94,46143.7°
Mevo +,67145.2°
Mevo +46.844.41.0541.24,74446.0°
Average Difference-6.33%-4.56%-2.25%25.63%-8.63%-8.90%

The following data set was obtained indoors with an 8 iron:

ShotDeviceBall speed (mph)Club speed (mph)Smash FactorCarry (yds)Spin (rpm)Launch (deg)
Mevo +108.386.31.25151.55,12016.6°
Mevo +99.386.41.15134.86,09722.3°
Mevo +,65522.8°
Average Difference-2.70%-1.03%-3.20%-0.69%-5.03%-16.87%

Thanks to Scott Hogan Golf for the great work! 

So it’s clear to see that although the Mevo is not as accurate as the Mevo+, it still holds up well, especially considering it is about one quarter of the price. Also of note is that when the Mevo was off, it still maintained consistency as carry and and launch both read consistently low. In my opinion, the Mevo can still be seen as an excellent tool for getting a general idea of your shot and club data, whereas the Mevo+ can be seen as a big step up in providing more precise feedback (and entertainment as we'll discuss next).

Added Entertainment with the Mevo Plus: Golf Course Simulation, Gamification, and Video Capabilities.

Another big upgrade the Mevo+ brings is the added digital entertainment value.

The FlightScope Mevo Plus comes with the industry-leading E6 golf simulation software. With this, golfers can play 5 simulated golf courses including Stone Canyon, Sanctuary, Wade Hampton, Aviara, and the Belfry. There are also different skills challenges, 17 different practice ranges, and a darts mini game.

This is all included with the price of the device, no monthly subscription cost

Technically, a golf launch monitor should be used to obtain performance data and then monitor and interpret the changes you make as you work on various skills. However, it can and should also bring a large entertainment factor to your golfing life. (read my full review on launch monitors here)

Hitting golf balls into a net with a launch monitor is an important and yes fun way to improve your golf game. However, it can get old fast, and I don’t think you’ll be able to convince your buddies to come over on a rainy day to work on improving their smash factor (although mad respect to those who do).

What you will be easily able to do, however, is convince them to bring over a 6-pack to play a round on a simulated golf course using your Mevo Plus. Make sure they bring some cash because this inevitably leads to skills challenges and sore losers. 

If you are a fan of playing The Golf Club, the Mevo Plus is capable of integrating with this wildly popular PGA video game as well. 

Just as with the original FlightScope Mevo, another great feature of the Mevo Plus is the ability to record video of your swing with data overlay. To me, this feature is priceless. It is one thing to be able to look back on your previous swing and ball data, but it adds a new dimension to be able to see the video of your swing right along with it. Especially when you’re looking for valuable feedback from your golfing buddies.

You can also easily draw lines and calculate angles right on the video to get even more feedback on your form. 

App and device integration FOR APPLE AND ANDROID

The FlightScope Mevo+ has full app integration with Apple and Android devices. I sorted through all the information to give you a concise picture of what you need below.

Mevo Plus for iOS Apple Products:

  • Compatible Devices
    • iPhone (supporting the two latest versions of iOS)
    • iPad
    • Apple Watch (OS 5.0 or later)
  • FlightScope Golf App - This free app is probably what you will use most often as it is the standard application to pull up on your mobile device to record training sessions and view ball and club data. There is a QR code on the back of your Mevo+ that is scanned from within the app to pair your device! Yes, it’s really that easy.
  • FlightScope Skills - This free app is for assessing your skills. Most importantly, this is where you would go to access the FlightScope Combine. You can also do target practice, skills challenges, and compete online with others. 
  • E6 Connect - This free app is what you would pull up when you’re ready to play some simulation golf. E6 has the reputation for being one of the highest-quality and most lifelike in simulating golf courses. The fact that it is compatible with Mevo Plus is one of their huge selling points! Please note - you’ll need an Apple Watch 5.0 or newer, or iPhone 8 or newer, to be able to have this app run smoothly.

Mevo Plus for Android Products

These same two Mevo apps are available for Android as well:

Unfortunately, the E6 Connect app is not available for Android at this time. It is available for PC users however, which gives you another option to use it.

Mevo Plus Setup

The Mevo+ is a breeze to set up. This launch monitor can be used indoors, outdoors, in direct sunlight, and is not affected by flying grass or tees as other launch monitors often are. 

There is a QR code on the back of the launch monitor which can be scanned from your mobile device via the free FlightScope Golf App. Once scanned, the devices are paired via wireless bluetooth connection and you can begin practice! Couldn’t be easier.

The Mevo Plus has a little kickstand and should be placed about 7 feet behind the tee (8 feet if you have a very fast swing speed). With the device placed behind you, you don’t have to swap the launch monitor to the opposite side of your golf mat when swapping between left and right-handed players.

It will record accurate data all the same regardless of handedness. 

There is a camera embedded within the Mevo+ that allows for easy alignment of the device with your target. Simply open up the FlightScope Mevo Golf app on your phone and, via the embedded camera, you’ll be able to see “through the eye” of the Mevo+ for perfect alignment every time.

The Mevo Plus launch monitor is a Wi-Fi hotspot, so it will pair to your mobile device or tablet via a wireless bluetooth connection. You can keep it at that and things will work great.

Or, if you want to hook up to a projector or TV screen for full golf simulation fun, you simply need an HDMI cable to make that connection. Please note, if you’re using an iPad you will likely need an HDMI to Lightning converter. Just check your device, they are all available on Amazon for about $10. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How does FlightScope Mevo Plus Work?

The FlightScope Mevo Plus uses 3D doppler radar to measure various club and ball parameters. It can be used indoors and outdoors. The use of radar technology means it can be used in direct sunlight or dim lighting conditions. It also will not be thrown off by grass flung up with the hit as the photometric launch monitors tend to do. 

How much does a FlightScope Mevo Plus Cost?

The FlightScope Mevo Plus costs just under $2,000. Various distributors offer payment plans and at the time of publishing, there was a 6-8 week shipping lead time. 


To sum it all up, the FlightScope Mevo Plus is one of the most accurate launch monitors on the market. Period. Which is pretty shocking considering it’s price point set at just under $2,000, a small fraction of the tour-grade launch monitors that produce similar accuracy. 

In addition to the insane accuracy on 16 different data parameters, the Mevo+ adds in a lot of simulation fun with it’s E6 compatibility and free apps. At no additional cost beyond the cost of the device, you’ll have access to some of the best golf course simulation on the market, skills challenges, and online tournaments. It also is compatible with The Golf Club for the true golf video game junkies out there. 

For serious golfers looking to improve their game and training regimen, the portable, affordable, and ultra-accurate FlightScope Mevo Plus is a must. 

I think I can best sum it up by saying that as technology improves and costs go down, launch monitors are getting more accurate and more affordable. The FlightScope Mevo Plus, recently released, is the perfect example of this trend. The accuracy, features, and simulations are all something we used to (and still do!) pay tens of thousands for. Yet, incredibly, you can now get it at a 2k price point. If you’re on the market for a portable golf launch monitor and golf simulator, this is your product. 

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Brittany Olizarowicz
Brittany Olizarowicz

Britt Olizarowicz started playing golf at the age of 7. She played Division 1 College golf at St.Johns University, where she won two tournaments at the collegiate level. After college Britt became a Class A PGA Professional, her love for the game spans almost her entire life. Today Britt loves sharing her knowledge of golf through her writing. She also has two young children to who she is enjoying introducing the game.

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