Average Golf Club Distances: Amateurs vs PGA Players

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The number one key to breaking 100 and golfing better is knowing the average golf club distances you can hit each of your clubs. In this guide, I’ll give a breakdown of average club distances for men and women, amateurs and PGA tour players.

I’ll also touch on other topics like:

 Let’s start by going over the average golf club distances for each club first.

Average Golf Club Distances By Club Type


The average driving distance for an amateur is 220 yards off the tee. If you can hit further than that regularly and keep your ball in the fairway more often then not, congratulations!

A detailed breakdown on driver distance by golfer type and gender is as follows:

  • Average Male: 235 yards
  • Average Female: 180 yards
  • PGA Golfer: 298 yards
  • LPGA Golfer: 247 yards
  • Average Range for Men: 200-270 yards
  • Average Range for Women: 150-210 yards

The wide average range for both men and women is due to a number of factors, such as:

  • Driver Swing Speed
  • Driver Technology
  • Golf Ball Speed
  • Smash Factor / Quality of Strike
  • Experience Level

I’ll break all of that down below. But first, I’ll show you the average distances for all of the other golf clubs in your bag.

average golf club distance with a driver

3 Wood

The 3 wood is the second-longest club in your bag. It can be used off of the tee, fairway, or a propped up lie in the rough. Because of that, the overall average distance you can hit your 3-wood may range.

Golf’s averages are:

  • Average Male: 215 yards
  • Average Female: 155 yards
  • Average PGA Golfer: 278 yards
  • Average LPGA Golfer: 230 yards
  • Average Range for Men: 180-240 yards
  • Average Range for Women: 125-185 yards

5 Wood

The 5 wood has more loft compared to the 3 wood, which makes it easier to hit up into the air but lowers the distance you can get. Average distances for a 5 wood are:

  • Average Male: 200 yards
  • Average Female: 140 yards
  • Average PGA Golfer: 255 yards
  • Average LPGA Golfer: 205 yards
  • Average Range for Men: 160-225 yards
  • Average Range for Women: 110-175 yards

3 Hybrid

A lot of golf club sets include a 3 hybrid club instead of a 3 iron because it is much easier to hit. The club head on a hybrid is similar to a wood, promoting longer distance and less spin.

Average distances for a 3 hybrid are:

  • Average Maler: 190 yards
  • Average Female: 130 yards
  • Average PGA Golfer: 235 yards
  • Average LPGA Golfer: 195 yards
  • Average Range for Men: 160-220 yards
  • Average Range for Women: 100-170 yards

3 Iron

A 3 iron is used in similar situations as a hybrid, but you will not be able to hit it as far. Instead, you will see a slightly lower ball speed and more spin. A golf ball hit by a 3 iron will not roll as far after it lands.

Average distances for a 3 iron are:

  • Average Male: 185 yards
  • Average Female: 125 yards
  • Average PGA Golfer: 230 yards
  • Average LPGA Golfer: 190 yards
  • Average Range for Men: 150-210 yards
  • Average Range for Women: 100-160 yards

4 Iron

A 4 iron, like a 3 iron, can be tricky to hit because of its low loft and longer shaft length. However, it’s a key medium-to-long distance iron to hit your approach shots with. It’s a common club to use if you need to punch out of the trees or keep your ball flight low and it has a loft of 24 degrees.

The average golf distances for a 4 iron are:

  • Average Male: 175 yards
  • Average Female: 125 yards
  • Average PGA Golfer: 225 yards
  • Average LPGA Golfer: 185 yards
  • Average Range for Men: 150-200 yards
  • Average Range for Women: 90-160 yards

5 Iron

A 5 iron is a very good club that can be hit by pros and beginners alike. It’s often the lowest lofted iron in a beginner set of club.

The average distances for a 5 irons are:

  • Average Male: 165 yards
  • Average Female: 115 yards
  • Average PGA Golfer: 215 yards
  • Average LPGA Golfer: 175 yards
  • Average Range for Men: 140-180 yards
  • Average Range for Women: 80-140 yards

6 Iron

A 6 iron is when ball spin and stopping power become more important than distance. It has a loft of 31 degrees.

The average distances for a 6 iron are:

  • Average Male: 155 yards
  • Average Female: 105 yards
  • Average PGA Golfer: 205 yards
  • Average LPGA Golfer: 165 yards
  • Average Range for Men: 130-170 yards
  • Average Range for Women: 70-130 yards

7 Iron

For most people, a 7 iron is the club where you add enough spin to the golf ball to erase your natural slice or fade. It has a loft of 34 degrees and it’s average distances are:

  • Average Male: 145 yards
  • Average Female: 95 yards
  • Average PGA Golfer: 195 yards
  • Average LPGA Golfer: 155 yards
  • Average Range for Men: 120-160 yards
  • Average Range for Women: 60-120 yards

8 Iron

An 8 iron has about 37 degrees of loft. It is mostly used as a medium-to-short approach club that allows you to get the ball close to the green.

Average distances for an 8 iron are:

  • Average Male: 135 yards
  • Average Female: 85 yards
  • Average PGA Golfer: 185 yards
  • Average LPGA Golfer: 145 yards
  • Average Range for Men: 110-150 yards
  • Average Range for Women: 55-110 yards

9 Iron

A 9 iron is a versatile club that you can use from further away to stick the ball close to the green. It is also a popular chipping club for “bump-and-run” style shots around the green. The 9 iron has a standard loft of 42 degrees.

The average distance for a 9 iron is:

  • Average Male: 120 yards
  • Average Female: 70 yards
  • Average PGA Golfer: 170 yards
  • Average LPGA Golfer: 130 yards
  • Average Range for Men: 100-140 yards
  • Average Range for Women: 50-100 yards

Pitching Wedge

A pitching wedge is used mainly to hit pitches and chip shots around the green. For amateur golfers, the pitching wedge is the highest lofted club that can be hit reliably from all distances. The rest of the wedges in this guide as used as more niche shots at certain distances only.

The average distances for a full swing pitching wedge are:

  • Average Male: 110 yards
  • Average Female: 65 yards
  • Average PGA Golfer: 155 yards
  • Average LPGA Golfer: 115 yards
  • Average Range for Men: 80-130 yards
  • Average Range for Women: 50-85 yards

Gap/Approach Wedge

A gap or approach wedge has more loft than a pitching wedge and is used for high shots with low bounce. The name comes because it is a “gap” club between the pitching wedge and the sand wedge.

The average distances for a full swing gap wedge are:

  • Average Male: 90 yards
  • Average Female: 55 yards
  • Average PGA Golfer: 135 yards
  • Average LPGA Golfer: 105 yards
  • Average Range for Men: 70-115 yards
  • Average Range for Women: 40-80 yards

Sand Wedge

A sand wedge is used to help you get out of any bunkers you find yourself in. It has about 56 degrees of loft, which is quite a bit. A lot of beginner golfers cannot hit a good sand wedge because the amount of error is so low.

The average distances of a full swing sand wedge is:

  • Average Male: 80 yards
  • Average Female: 50 yards
  • Average PGA Golfer: 125 yards
  • Average LPGA Golfer: 100 yards
  • Average Range for Men: 60-110 yards
  • Average Range for Women: 40-75 yards

Lob Wedge

A lob wedge is the highest lofted club in a golf bag at 60 degrees. This lob wedge is used to get a huge amount of height but low distance. When hit properly, a lob wedge will produce lots of backspin.

  • Average Male: 70 yards
  • Average Female: 40 yards
  • Average PGA Golfer: 105 yards
  • Average LPGA Golfer: 80 yards
  • Average Range for Men: 50-90 yards
  • Average Range for Women: 35-60 yards
Click here to learn more about the differences between a pitching wedge, approach wedge, sand wedge, and lob wedge.

Average Golf Distance Charts

If you want a quick reference guide, the chart below shows how far the average golfer hits the ball for each club.

Using this chart, you can see how your distance for each club matches up against the average golfer.

Average Male Golf Club Distances

ClubYardageRange (depending on swing speed)
3 Wood215180-240
5 Wood200160-225
3 Hybrid190160-220
3 Iron185150-210
4 Iron175150-200
5 Iron165140-180
6 Iron155130-170
7 Iron145120-160
8 Iron135110-150
9 Iron120100-140
Pitching Wedge11080-130
Gap Wedge9070-115
Sand Wedge8060-110
Lob Wedge7050-90

Average Female Golfer Club Distances

ClubYardageRange (depending on swing speed)
3 Wood155125-185
5 Wood140110-175
3 Hybrid130100-170
3 Iron125100-160
4 Iron12590-160
5 Iron11580-140
6 Iron10570-130
7 Iron9560-120
8 Iron8555-110
9 Iron7050-100
Pitching Wedge6550-85
Gap Wedge5540-80
Sand Wedge5040-75
Lob Wedge4035-60

PGA & LPGA Tour Club Distances

ClubPGA Tour AverageLPGA Tour Average
3 Wood278230
5 Wood255205
3 Hybrid235195
3 Iron230190
4 Iron225185
5 Iron215175
6 Iron205165
7 Iron195155
8 Iron185145
9 Iron170130
Pitching Wedge155115
Gap Wedge135105
Sand Wedge125100
Lob Wedge10580

How Do You Know Your Average Golf Club Distances?

Knowing how far you can hit each golf club is key to both breaking 100 and becoming a scratch golfer. Without knowing how far you hit each club, you are more likely to sail a ball over the green or leave it short for your next shot. 

Here are some tips for figuring out your average golf club distances:

Go to the Driving Range

Driving ranges are the perfect spot to work on your swing and make everything more consistent. Ranges will have markers for major distance, allowing you to hit dozens of balls and really determine accurate distances for each club.

You don’t hit some irons in your bag that regularly, so the range is the perfect spot to figure out iron distances. 

Use a Golf GPS App

 A golf GPS allows you to see the distance to every green and hazard on the golf course while you are playing your round. The good ones also have AutoShot detection, which track your distances on every shot. You can review your stats after the round is done and review average club distances too.

Click here to read about the Garmin Approach watches, which have AutoShot built into them. You can also read about the best golf GPS watches here.

Use a Launch Monitor at Home

A golf launch monitor tracks metrics about your swing, including:

  • Overall distance
  • Club speed
  • Spin
  • Attack angle

It is the number one way to understand how you hit each golf club while at home. Pick up a launch monitor, such as the affordable FlightScope Mevo, and a golf hitting net, and you will be able to create your own golf club distance charts.

Practice Makes Perfect

The ultimate way to know your average club distances is to practice. New golfers don’t hit consistent enough to truly understand how far they can hit each club. Working on your skill level first will allow you to get more accurate results.

PGA tour players know their distances because they practice day in and day out.

Click here to check out golf practice tools.

Factors That Impact Golf Club Distance

There are a lot of different components to your swing that affect the average distance you can hit each of your clubs. 

Swing Speed

Your average swing speed will have a huge impact on how far the ball travels off of your club head. A slower swing speed won’t be able to hit as far as a faster one. The average PGA player can swing about 115 miles per hours, while the average for a casual golfer is only 90 miles per hour. This is a big reason for the difference in average distance at different skill levels.

Club Head Speed

How fast your club head is travelling at impact with the golf ball determines how far the ball travels. This is correlated to swing speed, but can also be affected by other factors such as:

  • Club technology
  • Angle of impact
  • Wind conditions

Just like swing speed, average golfers have a tough time generating distance with a slow club head speed.

Smash Factor

Smash Factor is the ratio between the speed of the ball when it is hit verses your swing speed. If you make direct contact with the golf ball (club head is exactly perpendicular to the ball), you will have a high smash factor and this has a huge impact on distance. If you your club is not direct to the ball, you will introduce side spin to it and you will hook or slice the ball.

Club Sweet Spot

It doesn’t matter how fast or hard you are swinging your club if you are not making contact with the club’s sweet spot. A normal iron will have a sweet spot on the bottom-center of the club, which is the ideal spot to make contact. Golf drivers have a bit higher sweet spot because you hit the ball off of a tee.

Making contact with the sweet spot will generate faster ball speed and that satisfying “pop” sound when you make contact.

Wind and Weather Conditions

Distance can be greatly impacted by the conditions on the course. Hitting into the wind will shorten the distance you can get. A side wind will add spin to your golf ball and steer it off path. You will increase your distance if you have a strong wind behind you. A humid day will shorten your shots because of the added air density.

Because of this, the average golf club distances you get are only a guideline. You need to take into account the conditions of the day in order to know the true distance for each shot.


Above everything else, consistency is key. You won’t be able to reliably know your exact distance unless you know that your swing is identical every time.

How Can You Increase Your Golf Club Distance?

If you want to hit the golf ball further, there are a number of things you can do.

Improve Your Swing Technique

Improving your swing technique is perhaps the most effective way to increase your golf club distance. Try these things to practice a more powerful and efficient swing:

  • Maintain proper posture: Stand tall with your knees slightly bent and your weight evenly distributed between your feet.
  • Grip the club correctly: Hold the club with a firm but relaxed grip, allowing your wrists to hinge during the swing.
  • Rotate your body: Focus on rotating your hips, torso, and shoulders in sync, which will generate power and speed in your swing.
  • Stay balanced: Keep your weight centered and avoid swaying during the swing.

Click here to read more tips on how to play golf better.

Strengthen Your Golf Muscles

Increasing your strength, particularly in the muscles used during a golf swing, can have a significant impact on your club distance. Incorporate these exercises into your fitness routine:

  • Core exercises: Planks, Russian twists, and medicine ball rotations.
  • Lower body exercises: Squats, lunges, and deadlifts.
  • Upper body exercises: Push-ups, pull-ups, and seated rows.

Upgrade Your Equipment

The right equipment can make a noticeable difference in your golf club distance. Consider upgrading to:

  • Custom-fit clubs: Clubs tailored to your body measurements and swing can help you make better contact with the ball.
  • Low-compression golf balls: These balls can provide more distance, especially for golfers with slower swing speeds.
  • High-quality golf shoes: Shoes with proper support and traction can help you maintain balance and generate more power in your swing.

Practice, Practice, Practice

As with any skill, practice is essential to increasing your golf club distance. Spend time at the driving range working on your swing technique, and consider taking lessons from a golf professional to fine-tune your skills.

With dedication and persistence, you’ll start to see improvements in your distance and overall game.

Video Guides

Want to learn more? Here are some helpful videos on golf club distances that you can watch:

How Far Should the Average Golfer Hit a Driver? (By Age, Gender, Handicap + Swingspeed!)


Above, I went over the average golf club distances for each gender and golfer type. This is a guideline to help you determine and compare your own results to. In order to pinpoint how far you can hit each wood, iron, and wedge, you need to practice a lot and work on your swing.

Going to the driving range or buying your own launch monitor is the best way to start to understand your own hitting. If you have any other method that has worked well for you in the past, comment down below and let us know today.

Frequently Asked Questions About Golf Ball Distances (FAQs)

What are the average golf club distances for male amateur golfers?

For male amateur golfers, the average golf club distances tend to vary based on the club used. For example, a driver can reach between 200-230 yards, a 3-wood about 180-210 yards, a 5-iron usually covers 140-160 yards, and a 9-iron approximately 100-120 yards. Remember, these distances can significantly fluctuate depending on factors such as technique, physical strength, and weather conditions.

What is the average golf club distance for a PGA professional male golfer?

PGA professional male golfers tend to achieve significantly longer distances due to their advanced skill level and physical conditioning. Typically, a driver for a PGA pro can reach distances of 280-320 yards, a 3-wood about 240-270 yards, a 5-iron roughly 200-220 yards, and a 9-iron around 150-170 yards. Keep in mind, though, that these distances can vary based on the individual player’s style and environmental factors.

Does golf club type impact the average hitting distance?

Yes, the type of golf club has a substantial impact on the average hitting distance. Each club is designed with a specific purpose and trajectory in mind. Longer clubs like drivers and woods are designed to hit the ball further, while shorter clubs like irons and wedges provide more control and are used for shorter distances. The loft, or angle of the clubface, also plays a crucial role in determining the distance a ball can travel.

How can I increase my average golf club distances?

Improving your average golf club distances requires a blend of factors including improved swing mechanics, increased physical fitness, and often, upgraded equipment. Golf technology is continually evolving, so using up-to-date clubs can also give you an edge.

Does weather affect golf club distances?

Yes, weather plays a significant role in golf club distances. In warmer conditions, the ball can travel further as the air is less dense. Wind direction can also drastically affect your shot distance and trajectory. Understanding these variables and adjusting your game accordingly is a crucial aspect of golf strategy.

Ryan William
Ryan William

With over 25 years hands-on experience in the golfing world, Ryan is not just an avid golfer but a topical authority. His journey has had him delve deep into the nuances of the sport, from mastering the swing to understanding new golf technology. As an entrepreneur, Ryan is at the forefront of the latest golf trends, reviewing all new clubs, accessories, and training aids. His insights and expertise are backed by a prolific writing career, with over 1000 articles published across various platforms. Ryan's commitment is clear: to guide and inform the golf community with unparalleled knowledge and passion.

Last update on 2024-10-23 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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