Vice Golf Balls Review: Why They Won 4 Gold Medals!

vice golf balls review golf digest

As tough and well-standardized the world of golf balls is, there always seems to be some room for experiments and interesting new designs. Whether it’s alternating the number of their dimples, or printing pictures on top of them, golf balls tend to bear the full creative brunt of some of its international manufacturers and it goes without saying that when these finished products actually hit the market, they sell like hot cakes.

In this article, we’ll talk about a special breed of golf balls that come from one of the youngest, and yet already wildly successful manufacturers in the world – the small German company going by the name of VICE Golf.

Read on and learn more about what makes their golf balls so special, how you can get your hands on some of them, as well as how their products fare when faced with the tough criteria of some of the biggest authorities in the field!

Right then, let’s see what’s going on here.

50% off Golf Balls!