In this guide, I compare the FlightScope Mevo vs Mevo Plus Golf Launch Monitors in full detail.
Is the added price of the Mevo Plus worth the upgrade?
After this article, you’ll know which launch monitor is right for you.
I’ll go over 30 different variables for each launch monitor, including:
- How to buy the FlightScope Mevo and Mevo Plus
- Data points captured by each piece of launch monitor
- How each monitor performs in outdoor and indoor spaces
- What additional features do you get when you upgrade to the Mevo+?
If I missed any details to compare the FlightScope Mevo vs Mevo Plus, I want you to comment below so I can add them to this guide.
In a rush? Use the buttons below to head right to the store for each launch monitor, where you can buy each today.
Who is FlightScope?
FlightScope is a leading manufacturer of 3D Phased Array Doppler ball tracking monitors. The tracking monitors manufactured by FlightScope can measure what the ball is doing. It can also measure ball speed and direction along the entire flight path.
Both the Mevo and Mevo Plus are portable tracking launch monitors designed to help you track and improve your golf swing. These launch monitors use 3D Doppler radar technology to display performance data you can trust.
The FlightScope Mevo works both outdoors and indoors. It is a personal launch monitor that can be purchased and used by even amateur golfers.
The Mevo provides users with up to 8 parameters, including swing speed, smash factor, and ball speed.
Click here to read our full FlightScope Mevo review.
Mevo Plus
The Mevo Plus is an upgraded monitor that provides dozens of additional data points, higher accuracy, and a bigger size. It also enables some cool golf simulator features that golfers who want to play at home will like.
The Mevo Plus sits in a unique middle zone for monitors. Professional golfers use more top-end products, so this hardware is for serious amateur golfers with a bit more money. It has some extra features that might make the price worth it to you.
Below, I’ll compare over 30 data points to tell you the differences between Mevo vs Mevo Plus.
Click here to read our full FlightScope Mevo Plus review.
How to Buy the Mevo Launch Monitor
You can purchase the Mevo from the official website here or via Amazon below:
Best Mevo Golf Simulator Setup
The Net Return Home Series Golf Net is the best return net to pair with your base Mevo model. This golf net automatically returns the ball to you. This net can handle ball speeds of up to 225 miles per hour. It has an aluminum frame for maximum durability.
How to Buy the Mevo Plus Launch Monitor
You can purchase the Mevo+ from the official website here or via Amazon below:
Best Mevo Plus Golf Simulator Setup
The FlightScope Mevo+ PerfectBay Golf Simulator Package is a complete set perfect for your home. This set includes everything you need, including the Mevo+, to be ready for endless indoor golf simulation.
Each component was hand selected for quality and durability to ensure your setup will provide long-term entertainment. You will be perfect with the Mevo+ launch monitor and simulator as the basis of this package.
FlightScope Tracking Technology
FlightScope Mevo Tracking
The FlightScope Mevo features 3D doppler radar technology. Mevo sits behind you, and it works by recording the motion of the ball and club face throughout the ball flight. It uses this information to calculate a projected ball flight and relays the data to the accompanying app.
Mevo Plus Fusion Tracking
Mevo Plus tracking is very similar to the base model, with the addition of the patented Fusion Tracking technology. Fusion Tracking does a better job at understanding more granular movements. It increases the accuracy of half-shots, chipping, pitching, and putting.
Since the Mevo Plus includes more data points (more on that below), Fusion is a big game changer for accuracy.
Winner: Mevo Plus
FlightScope Mevo vs Mevo Plus Data Points
Mevo Variables
The Mevo provides users with 8 data points on each swing, including:
- ball speed
- spin rate
- vertical launch
- club head speed
- smash factor
- carrying distance
- apex height
- flight time
Because it captures more of your golf swing club path before and after impact, the Mevo can use these variables to calculate an accurate flight path.
Data points and price are the two most important variables on a launch monitor, and both of these portable launch monitors capture accurate data.
FlightScope Mevo Plus Variables
The Mevo provides users with 28 data points on each swing, including:
- ball speed
- spin rate
- vertical launch
- club swing speed
- smash factor
- carry distance
- apex height
- flight time
- angle of attack
- spin loft
- horizontal launch angle
- spin axis
- roll distance
- total distance
- lateral landing
- shot dispersion
- shot type
- face to path
- face to target
- dynamic loft
- club path
- vertical and horizontal swing plane
- low point
- vertical descent angle
- curve
- club speed profile
- club acceleration profile
Because it captures more of your golf swing club path before and after impact, the Mevo Plus can use these variables to calculate an accurate flight path. As like I mentioned above, more data means more chances for optimization.
Pro Package
The Pro Package is an add-on option to the Mevo Plus launch monitor. The Pro package uses FlightScope’s patented Fusion Tracking technology to access 11 more data parameters than those already offered on the Mevo+. The Pro Package also provides in-depth club data like face to path, club path, swing plane, dynamic loft, and more.
Further down below, I’ll show off the price for each.
Winner: Mevo Plus
How to Install the FlightScope Mevo and Mevo Plus
The FlightScope monitors have a few steps to set things up. The installation requires you to play with distances, angles, and settings to get everything right. Plus, the configuration changes depending on what model you buy.
For the Mevo, you should allow about 7 feet of space from the sensor to your ball. The Mevo Plus adds an extra foot of space.
Once you have everything set up, you enter these settings into the app that syncs with your hardware to calibrate it correctly.
Verdict: No Difference
Where to Setup & Place the FlightScope Mevo vs Mevo Plus
The Mevo uses radar tracking technology to capture radar images of your swing and ball impact. Because it needs a broader view of everything, you must place the FlightScope behind you while you swing. This is not ideal for a garage golf setup, so you’ll want a little extra room around you.
Winner: SkyTrak

How Much Space Does the FlightScope Mevo Need?
The FlightScope Mevo requires space behind you to watch your swing, AND you need to have a bit of room for your golf shot flight to be tracked by the doppler.
FlightScope recommends at least 8 feet of ball flight into a hitting net or projector screen and between 4 and 7 feet behind the impact. The Plus model suggests an additional foot behind you, but I’ve found little difference.
Verdict: No Difference

Launch Monitor Accuracy
How Accurate is the FlightScope Mevo?
The FlightScope Mevo records ball flight data as soon as you hit each golf ball. Data is synchronized and then sent to your phone, where you can see the results.
Sunlight doesn’t interfere with Mevo technology at all. Outdoors at practice ranges are preferred since the device tracks your shots from the back and likes a full view of the swing, contact, and launch.
Inside, fluorescent lighting, fans, and other moving parts can interfere with the signal.
How Accurate is the Mevo Plus?
Outside of the hardware, the tracking and accuracy of the Mevo Plus are the same as the Mevo. However, the Mevo Plus calculates 18 more variables than the base model. The Mevo Plus can calculate more accurate ball flight data with these extra variables.
Winner: FlightScope Mevo Plus
FlightScope Mevo Release Dates
The FlightScope Mevo and Mevo Plus came out in April 2020. The company has regularly released updates to its software since its release, taking advantage of the increased popularity of golf during the pandemic.
A Pro Package add-on for the Mevo Plus came out in February 2022. The Pro Package gives you access to more data parameters and higher accuracy chipping and putting.
Simulator Software Support
FlightScope Mevo Simulator Support
Unfortunately, the base version of the Mevo does not support any golf simulator software. To make the device an affordable price, FlightScope focused its time on providing the most accurate readings possible.
The Mevo is perfect for people who want to measure and improve their real-life golf swing but don’t care about playing simulated courses.
FlightScope Mevo Plus Simulator Support
The Mevo Plus includes E6 Connect, one of the most popular golf simulator software packages. The license included with the Mevo+ features six different courses, 17 different practice ranges, and a variety of online games and challenges.
In addition, the Mevo Plus features support for FS Golf and the FS Skills game.
Winner: Mevo Plus

FlightScope Mevo vs Mevo Plus Price
How Much Does the Mevo Cost?
The Mevo costs $499 for the launch monitor.
Mevo Recurring Costs
There are no recurring or additional costs for the Mevo. Once you buy the hardware, you get the analytics and stats advertised.
How Much Does the Mevo Plus Cost?
The Mevo Plus costs $1,999 for the launch monitor. The Pro Package costs an additional $1,000 and adds another 20 data points for the highest possible accuracy.
You also get the basic license for E6 Connect with six different golf courses included with the extra cost.
Mevo Plus Recurring Costs
There are no recurring or additional costs for the Mevo Plus itself. Once you buy the hardware, you get the analytics and stats advertised.
If you pay $300 per year, you can upgrade to the E6 Connect Basic Subscription Plan. In the Basic Plan, you will get:
- 27 golf courses
- 12 rotating courses
- 17 practice areas
- Online events
- Peer to Peer play support
For $600 per year, you can get the E6 Expanded Subscription Plan. In the Expanded plan, you get an additional 63 golf courses, over 90 altogether.
Winner: FlightScope Mevo
Battery Life
How Long Does the FlightScope Mevo Battery Last?
For Mevo, the built-in rechargeable battery can serve up to 10 hours.
How Long Does the FlightScope Mevo Plus Battery Last?
For the Mevo Plus, the built-in battery can serve you up to 2 hours on its own and 1.5 hours in simulator play. Because of the limited battery life on the Mevo Plus, it’s a good idea to keep it near a power source if you can.
You can plug in a portable power bank and extend the life of either monitor, though they are each sufficient. It is more impressive that the Mevo can pack 10 hours into its compact size.
Winner: FlightScope Mevo
What Clubs Can You Use With the Mevo & Mevo Plus?
Both Mevo models support all of your real-life clubs. When set up, the device captures your entire swing.
Technically, you could use fake golf clubs, but it would probably adjust the club and ball speed and throw off your calculations. Your best bet is to buy a good hitting mat that won’t damage your golf clubs, such as the GoSports premium mat below.
Verdict: No Difference
What Golf Balls Work With the FlightScope Mevo vs Mevo Plus?
You can use actual golf balls with the Mevo. However, one disadvantage is that radar launch monitors have trouble reading ball spin. Since the Mevo is set up further behind you, it doesn’t have an up-close view of the spin during the vertical launch angle.
For this reason, FlightScope recommends attaching metallic stickers to your ball, especially during indoor use. It even includes some stickers in the package when you buy it. The solution isn’t too inconvenient, but it is still a little extra effort.
Verdict: No Difference
Does the FlightScope Mevo Support Left-Handed Golfers?
Because the Mevo is a radar-based golf launch monitor, it is set up behind you while you swing. It can easily capture swings from left-handed and right-handed players, and you don’t have to move the unit if you want to hit balls with your friends.
This is the same for the Mevo and Mevo Plus!
Verdict: No Difference
Mevo Specifications
The Mevo is 2.75 inches long by 3.5 inches tall and 1.2 inches wide. It is similar to the size of a pack of gum. It weighs 7 ounces.
Overall, it is sim[ply impressive how small the footprint of this affordable launch monitor is. It is small enough to fit into most golf bags, making it easy to take out on the go.
Mevo Plus Specifications
The Mevo Plus is 8.2 inches long by 8.0 inches tall and 2.4 inches wide. It is a larger device overall than the base Mevo. The Mevo Plus is about the size of an iPad, which is still small enough to throw in your vehicle when you go out.
Winner: FlightScope Mevo
How Does the Mevo Connect To Your Phone?
The FlightScope Mevo has a Wi-Fi signal you can connect to your phone. Mevo also has a cool feature where it will record your swing and overlay your actual flight stats onto it. Because of this, you’ll probably always have your Mevo sitting beside your phone, who is taking the video.
The Mevo Plus uses the same wireless connection and companion app to work. There is no difference between the two.
Verdict: No Difference
Short Game (Wedges, Pitching, and Chipping)
How Accurate is the Mevo on Short Shots?
The base Mevo has trouble on short shots where you don’t take a full swing. Doppler radar requires a wide angle to capture data, and it can’t pinpoint these more finesse-type shots.
How Accurate is the Mevo Plus on Short Shots?
Early Mevo Plus owners who have not upgraded their firmware in a while may notice inaccurate short shot tracking. However, Mevo Plus upgraded its Fusion Tracking, significantly improving the ability to record short wedge shots.
One good Mevo Plus tip is that you should move up the monitor a foot or two for shorter wedge shots to help it accurately capture your swing and contact.
Winner: Mevo Plus
How Accurate is Putting on the FlightScope Mevo?
The Mevo cannot read putts with as high of accuracy since the launch monitor is placed behind you 7 feet while you swing.
Make sure that you have your metallic silver dots installed on your golf ball before you do any putting practice. FlightScope also recommends having a completely flat surface between the ball to screen for accurate tracking.
FlightScope Mevo Plus Putting
A firmware upgrade called “Fusion Tracking” came out for the Mevo Plus in early 2022. The update significantly increases the accuracy of putting on the launch monitor.
The upgrade does put the Mevo Plus on part with other launch monitors at the same price point, such as the SkyTrak.
Winner: Mevo Plus
Does the FlightScope Mevo & Mevo Plus Work Well Indoors?
The FlightScope Mevo performs well indoors in terms of accuracy as long as you don’t have any fluorescent lighting or rotating objects such as fans or air conditioners around you. The only disadvantage to the Mevo, which uses doppler radar, is that you need extra space behind you to place the Mevo on a flat surface. This can be trouble if you only have a narrow garage bay or man cave to play in.
As long as you have the space for the Mevo, the tracking accuracy indoors should be consistent between the two.
Verdict: No Difference
Does the FlightScope Mevo Work & Mevo Plus Well Outdoors?
The Mevo works very well outdoors, and the doppler radar technology has a little drawback. You usually have more space outdoors to set up the monitor behind you, so that’s not a problem.
The other advantage to using the Mevo outdoors is that it can track the entire flight of the ball (up to 100 yards away). Having no net maximizes the readings and accuracy of the Mevo.
Verdict: No Difference
What is the Shot Delay on the Mevo vs Mevo Plus?
Shot delay is the time it takes for your swing to register in the companion app or simulation software after you swing. It depends on how long each launch monitor takes to crunch numbers and render your shot flight.
The Mevo and Mevo Plus take between one and two seconds after the impact before the readings show up on the app. The Mevo app sends an audible ding each time you swing, and the data is available to view.
Overall, the shot delay can be affected by the power of your computer or phone. So, the delay may vary for you. After things process, you’ll see the statistics in the Mevo app as shown below.
Verdict: No Difference

How to Prevent Missed Shots on the FlightScope Mevo and Mevo Plus
Again, if you have optimal conditions, the Mevo shouldn’t miss any of your shots. One nice thing is that the Mevo will emit an audible ding after each swing.
To prevent missed shots on the Mevo and Mevo Plus:
- Make sure you set up the Mevo correctly, with enough space behind and in front of the ball.
- Add your metallic stickers to improve spin accuracy
- Check out and set up your calibration settings in the app
- Keep your software and firmware up to date
Can You Damage the FlightScope Mevo?
Since the Mevo and Mevo Plus sit behind you while you swing by 7 feet or more, there is very little chance that you will be able to damage it. An unlucky ricochet could contact the Mevo, but the chances of this are slim.
If you are concerned, you can buy this protective case for the Mevo, which also makes it easy to align and tilt your monitor how you need.
You can also buy this protective case for the Mevo Plus, which similarly protects the device.
Verdict: No Difference
FlightScope Mevo Warranty
FlightScope offers a standard 12-month warranty on all of its products. Again, this warranty covers any defects in material and quality and starts on the day you purchase it.
Verdict: No Difference
Can You Buy the FlightScope Mevo Launch Monitor?
The FlightScope Mevo has had positive availability since its release in 2020. You can purchase the Mevo from the official website here or via Amazon below:
Can You Buy the FlightScope Mevo Plus Launch Monitor?
The FlightScope Mevo Plus has also had positive availability since its release in 2020. You can purchase the Mevo Plus from the official website here or via Amazon below:
Verdict: No Difference
Resale Value
Supply chain issues that started during the COVID-19 pandemic have sometimes made it hard to buy new launch monitors. For this reason, the resale value of both launch monitors has been great.
A used Mevo is about $400 or $100 off the price of a new unit. The Mevo Plus is about $1,600 or $400 off the new price.
FlightScope does tend to offer deals on the device, so you might be able to get a new unit for the same price.
Winner: Draw
PGA Pro Usage
Which PGA Pros Use the FlightScope Mevo?
No PGA professionals are using the base Mevo model currently. Professional golfers can afford a more expensive monitor, and the Mevo is marketed toward amateur golfers.
Which PGA Pros Use the FlightScope Mevo Plus?
Despite being more accurate, there aren’t any PGA golfers publicly using the Mevo Plus. Many professional golfers opt for more expensive systems like the ForeSight and Trackman.
However, FlightScope has had Bryson DeChambeau, and Bubba Watson advertises the Mevo before.
Winner: Draw
FlightScope Reputation
FlightScope is a global technology company that uses 3D doppler tracking to monitor balls in golf, tennis, baseball, cricket, and more. The defense industry initially used its technology throughout the 90s, but the company is most successful for its use in sports.
The base Mevo model came out in 2020 as a way for amateur golfers and consumers to use their technology.
Want to see how each brand advertises its golf launch monitor? Check out the commercials below.
Demo Videos
Want to view even more information? Here are some of the top videos showcasing each launch monitor:
Top Reasons to Buy the Mevo Launch Monitor
- A lot cheaper to buy!
- It offers 90% of the features as the Mevo Plus but for 75% less price
- The easiest way to track your golf swing
- It does not work with any simulation software
Top Reasons to Buy the Mevo Plus Launch Monitor
- More data points to capture overall.
- Full E6 Connect integration.
- Higher accuracy on pitching, chipping and putting
- Price is more expensive
Overall, the FlightScope Mevo vs Mevo Plus might be a hard or a straightforward decision. If you want to play simulator golf in your house, then the Mevo Plus is required. If you just want something that tracks your swing and lets you view analytics, then the base Mevo is good enough.
FlightScope has found surprising accuracy with its doppler technology. It has packed most of its core features into the slim Mevo base model. Some of the extra data points and extra accuracy on short shots are niche features that only more advanced golfers will be interested in on the Mevo Plus.
Remember, any launch monitor is suitable for your golf game!
If you buy the Mevo today from FlightScope’s official website, you can trade it later and offset the cost of a new Mevo Plus.
The links to buy are once again below! If you purchase either of these launch monitors, comment below and let us know which one you purchased.
Last update on 2025-03-25 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API