Alex Fortey has created over 700 videos worth of content, amassing over 25 million views. In this review, we do a deep dive on The Art of Simple Golf, Alex’s premium online golf course. On the site, Alex promises to simplify golf and teach you have to play more consistently, hit longer drives, and shoot lower scores.
In this Art of Simple Golf review, we’ll go over:
- What you get when you subscribe to the website
- Key features on The Art of Simple Golf
- Some of the things I liked and didn’t like on the site
- Did Alex Fortey improve my swing or not?
You can check out The Art of Simple Golf by clicking here.
If you end up checking out the site yourself, comment down at the bottom of this guide and let us know what you thought.
What is The Art of Simple Golf?
The Art of Simple Golf is a website that provides an easy and unique way to get better out on the golf course. It does this by providing easy to remember tips and short videos.
Alex Fortey is the Founder of The Art of Simple Golf and his ultimate goal is quite simple: to easily help you get better on the golf course. Whether it is looking for advice on hitting certain clubs, swing tips or even just simple golf etiquette, The Art of Simple Golf is great at easily explaining everything to you in a short video form.
The great thing about this website is that while there is a paid subscription option that offers more insight, the majority of the tips given out are completely free of charge.
Right on the main page of the website is a Golf Tips tab. If you click into that, there are multiple different tips for all parts of the golf game. With each tip comes a free YouTube video ranging from 5 to 10 minutes giving simple and easy advice on each specific tip. These will be great for the golfer that is looking for easy video tips on bettering their golf game.
The more serious golfers will definitely want to check out a subscription to the website though as there are many more premium tips available through that. We will go into more detail below of what you can expect after signing up for an Art of Simple Golf membership.
You can check out The Art of Simple Golf by clicking here.

Who is Alex Fortey?

Alex Fortey is the Founder of The Art of Simple Golf. He is also a content star and YouTube creator as his YouTube channel has amassed over 122,000 thousand subscribers and over 680 videos. As the name of the site suggests, Alex created The Art of Simple Golf to teach everyone how to improve their golf game with simple methods and drills.
Alex has hundreds of different golf tips available for free on his YouTube channel, which is also linked to the website. He preaches consistency in the swing and doing less, which in the long run does more for your golf game.
If you are struggling with certain aspects of your golf game, it is a great idea to check out the website as there are many tips that are explained in easy video form.
The real value on the site is the paid membership option for The Art of Simple Golf. When you sign up for a membership, you gain access to hundreds of more tutorials and Premium Series videos on every single aspect of the golf game.
These golf programs range from tips to help you practice on the driving range, play golf out on the course and even exercises to complete in the gym.
The pricing for a subscription to The Art of Simple Golf is as follows:
- The Club Monthly 50 ($49 USD/month)
- Club Membership One Year PIF ($490 USD/year)
If you’d like, you do have the option of trying out a free 7 day trial to the subscription part of the website. If you decide to continue your subscription after the free 7 days, you are given a special VIP pricing of only $39 USD/month. This is also grandfathered in, so if the price were to increase after the fact, you would stay at the $39/month.
That is great value for the amount of information you are given access to. Once you subscribe, you can access your membership from any computer, tablet, or phone.

Key Features
Below we will go over some of the key features that the paid subscription offers through The Art of Simple Golf.
Free Series
We will start off with the Free Series that The Art of Simple Golf offers. This is not part of the paid subscription, but I wanted to go over it first as it can be quite beneficial to many golfers.
When you are on the main website, there is a tab on the top right that says Free Simple Golf Resources. Through that link, you are taken to a page where you can choose out of 3 Free Series Programs that the website offers.
- 7 Keys to Easy Accurate Speed
- Simple Swing Fundamentals
- Simple Golf Driver Journey
The idea behind offering these mini-series programs for free is to show golfers how much their SIMPLE approach to golf can help you out. Each series and video targets specific parts of the golf game. If you wish to gain access to these lessons, you simply click on the one you are interested in and enter your first and last name and click submit.
This will give golfers and potential customers a sneak peek at what the website has to offer in terms of simple golf tips. After this if you wish to see what the full premium programs and resources are, then you can sign up for the monthly membership!
Live Q&A
Another feature for paid subscribers to The Art of Simple Golf is the access to a monthly Live Questions and Answers chat with Alex Fortey. Each month, you and all the other Club members will get to go on a live video coaching call with Alex and his team. You will have the chance to ask specific questions and have them answered live.
This is great because you may have questions about specific tips or even other specific questions about your personal swing and have them answered right away.
Another cool feature about this is that on each call, Alex will choose certain Club Members to send in videos of their swing. Alex and his team will then do a live swing review and provide analysis on your specific swing.
Purchasing Digital Programs
With The Art of Simple Golf you are able to purchase any of their digital golf programs without actually signing up for the monthly membership. If you see a series that you are interested in, you can purchase that and you get access to it forever. You will be given a sign-in to the website and once you sign in, your series is available in the main portal to access.
This is great for golfers who are only looking for specific advice on a certain area of their game without wanting to commit to a full monthly membership. If you ever decided to go with the monthly membership, you also keep access to any purchased digital programs as well.
What To Expect After You Sign Up
As soon as you sign up for the subscription and log in through the main site, you are taken to The Art of Simple Golf Portal. Here is where you will be able to access any previously purchased digital programs as well as access to The Club.
If you didn’t sign up for the monthly membership, you will only see an option to access your purchased digital programs. For golfers who signed up to be a member, you will get 2 other options of accessing The Club Membership along with the All Club Series, which is a complete tutorial on every single club available to hit on a golf course.
The Club Membership

The Club is the core offering on the The Art of Simple Golf. There are multiple different areas to go through, with hundreds of tutorials depending on what you are looking for on the golf course.
Swing Fundamentals
One of, if not the most important part of golf starts with your swing. Everything else comes after the swing. One of the video series in The Club goes over every single Swing Fundamental.
The video series shows how to start and set up, along with other different videos showing drills you can do at home to help your swing.
The Slice Fix System
One of the newest and probably most important series is The Slice Fix System. Most amateur and weekend golfers have a slice and it comes down to how they are executing their swing. The Slice Fix System Series will do wonders for those golfers that want to fix the slice and start bombing everything straight.

The Putting Green
Another series through The Club Membership is The Putting Green and this goes over all the basics when it comes to putting. Whether you need help setting up, reading the green or executing a perfect pendulum stroke each time, this series will definitely help shave some strokes off your score.
There are many more video series available and you will have to sign up in order to see what they are!
Premium Programs

In the Premium Programs tab is where you will find the Premium Video Series that AOSG has to offer. Right now there are 7 different programs available for you, each focusing on different things around the golf course.
One of the series available, and the one that I am focusing on most myself right now, is the Break 80 Skill Accelerator. When you have been golfing for a long time and have a consistent stroke around the course, there are certain extra things that you need to do in order to take your game to the next level and break 80 in 18 holes.
This premiums series is great because it goes over those extra things that you need to do in order to break 80 and stay more consistent. There are many different short 2-4 minute videos to help you through this, such as dealing with nerves, minimizing risk on the course and more.
I would highly recommend checking out these Premium Series as they will help you even more in finding that next level on the golf course!
All Club Series

The last tab in the AOSG Portal is the All Club Series and this is pretty self-explanatory. In this series, Alex and his team go over every single golf club available and provide simple tips to make sure we are using these clubs properly and hitting them with ease. They also provide other tutorials such as simple chipping shortcuts, having a better takeaway and backswing and more!
Along with going over specific clubs, they also go over different shots you may be looking at on the course. The Bunker Blaster tab is great for golfers that are looking for tips on hitting out of the sand. They provide different things to look for such as the slope of the bunker, as well as hitting out of fairway bunkers compared to greenside.
Another great tab is the Slice Fix System and we went over this above a little bit. Most amateur golfers struggle with a slice. In this series, Alex and his team go over everything you need to know to take away the slice including swing path correction and fixing how the face looks at impact.
There is more golf tutorials then you will know what to do with, so be prepared to be a little overwhelmed. If you take your time though, you will have a blast learning new simple tricks to use on the course to help you become a better golfer!
What I Like About The Art of Simple Golf
I think that the first obvious thing of why I like AOSG is that they offer free tutorials without making you sign up and pay for a membership. Most amateur golfers will want to get tutorials without having to spend additional money.
Golf is an expensive sport as it is with the clubs, accessories and green fees. If you can get access to free online golf tutorials, take advantage of that. AOSG is nice because the videos are short, concise and simple to understand.
I also do like the fact that AOSG offers benefits to signing up for a membership. The fact that they run monthly live Q&A video calls is great because you can talk face to face with a golf professional without leaving the comfort of your home. If chosen, you can also send in a video of your swing and have it analyzed and reviewed by professionals.
Lastly, I love how simple they make everything. Alex’s golf videos provide very simple tips to follow, and they will make you a better golfer. There are hundreds of tutorials available and the Premium Series and All Club Series programs you get access to with a Membership are bar none when it comes to the benefit on your golf game.
Even for more advanced programs like the Break 80 program I am working through, the concepts are relevant for my game and easy to understand.

What I Don’t Like About The Art of Simple Golf
If there is anything to dislike about AOSG, it is very minor.
The best way to get better at golf and take it seriously is by actually doing it. That is why I think most golfers that do want to get better would prefer to go to the course and pay for actual lessons by a golf professional. That way they are there with you in person and can critique you on everything right away.
You aren’t stuck paying for a membership and then watching videos on your computer in hopes that watching translates onto the course.
That being said, I do think there is benefit in having access to all of these simple tips and videos so that you can go back and watch them at any time. It all depends on what type of golfer you are and what you are looking for in the long run when it comes to the game of golf.
And that is a complete overview of The Art of Simple Golf by Alex Fortey. Alex is a very knowledge golf professional who breaks things down in a simple way for you to understand.
Very few online golf programs are as detailed or involved as Alex’s approach. And we like that he has complete video series for all of the most important aspects to your game:
- Driving further
- Fixing your slice
- Putting more consistently
- Hitting tough shots
- Breaking 100, 90, or 80
Hopefully this Art of Simple Golf review inspires you to improve your game by going to visit the site and signing up today.
You can check out The Art of Simple Golf by clicking here.
Sample Alex Fortey The Art of Simple Golf Videos
Not quite convinced yet? Here is a selection of free videos from Alex Fortey so that you can see how quality of a teacher you are getting.