Powerful Golf Core Exercises to Boost Your Swing

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Ever wonder why some golfers seem to outperform their peers effortlessly? I did too, until I discovered the secret weapon: core strength.

It’s not just about abs – it’s a game-changer for your entire body and swing!

From reducing back pain to adding yards to my drive, the benefits have been incredible. In this guide, I’ll show your my favorite golf core exercises you should add to your workout to boost your swing and lower your score.

Trust me, your scorecard will thank you!

Summary Table of the Best Golf Core Exercises

ExerciseDifficultyEquipment NeededEffectiveness for GolfOverall Score
Basic Plank⭐⭐None⭐⭐⭐⭐4/5
Side Plank⭐⭐⭐None⭐⭐⭐⭐4/5
Russian Twists⭐⭐Optional: Weight⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐4.5/5
Bird Dog⭐⭐None⭐⭐⭐3.5/5
Superman Holds⭐⭐None⭐⭐⭐3.5/5
Medicine Ball Rotational Throws⭐⭐⭐Medicine Ball⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐5/5
Cable Rotations⭐⭐⭐Cable Machine⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐4.5/5
Standing Wood Chops⭐⭐⭐Cable Machine or Band⭐⭐⭐⭐4/5
Single-Leg Romanian Deadlifts⭐⭐⭐⭐Optional: Weight⭐⭐⭐⭐4/5
Stability Ball Jackknives⭐⭐⭐Stability Ball⭐⭐⭐⭐4/5
Pallof Press⭐⭐⭐Cable Machine or Band⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐4.5/5
TRX Fallouts⭐⭐⭐⭐TRX Straps⭐⭐⭐⭐4/5
Bosu Ball Planks With Rotation⭐⭐⭐⭐Bosu Ball⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐4.5/5
Renegade Rows⭐⭐⭐⭐Dumbbells⭐⭐⭐⭐4/5
Cat-Cow StretchesNone⭐⭐⭐3/5
Glute Bridges⭐⭐None⭐⭐⭐⭐4/5
Dead Bugs⭐⭐None⭐⭐⭐⭐4/5

The Impact of Core Power on My Golf Swing

I’ve been golfing for years, but it wasn’t until I started focusing on my core strength that I saw a real improvement in my game. Let me tell you, the difference is night and day.

My swing feels more fluid, and I’m hitting the ball further than ever before.

Here’s what I’ve noticed:

  • My balance has improved dramatically

  • I’m generating more power with less effort

  • My back pain after long games has significantly decreased

One thing I would recommend is to think of your core as more than just your abs. It’s your entire midsection, including your lower back, hips, and lower body. When I started training all these areas together, that’s when I really saw results on the course.

My Go-To Core Exercises for a Killer Golf Game

After experimenting with various workouts, I’ve found that traditional ab exercises just don’t cut it for golf. Sure, crunches are great for beach season, but they don’t translate well to the course. Instead, I focus on exercises that mimic the twisting motion of my swing.

Here are some of my favorites:

  • Planks with rotation

  • Medicine ball throws

  • Standing cable rotations

Incorporating exercises that target the hip flexors is crucial for enhancing mobility, strength, and stability, which are essential for athletic performance, especially in activities like golfing.

My gut says that the key is incorporating movements that challenge your rotation stability. It’s not just about strength; it’s about control and power transfer.

I’ve noticed that since I started this routine, my drives have become more consistent, and I’m able to maintain my form even on the 18th hole. It’s not just about distance—it’s about endurance and precision throughout the entire round.

One unexpected benefit? I’m less sore after a day on the links.

I recommend starting slow and gradually increasing the difficulty of your core workouts. You’ll be amazed at how quickly you see improvements in your game.

If you need to buy some medicine balls, Amazon sells some really great ones that I use:

Essential Golf Core Exercises: No Equipment Needed

Basic Plank

golf core exercise basic plank
  • Lay on the ground and hold yourself up with your hands (like a pushup), or lie on your elbow/forearm.

  • Keep this position as long as your body can hold it without moving.

Side Plank

golf core side plank
  • Lay on the ground, but prop yourself up onto one side to lean on just one forearm.

  • Keep your legs in a straight line outwards.

  • Your midsection will be facing east/west instead of north/south.

  • Hold this position as long as you can without moving, and then switch to the other arm.

  • Planks help provide core stability.

Russian Twists

golf core exercise russian twist
  • Sit on the ground in an upright position with your feet lifted off the ground.

  • Rotate your torso side to side, touching each elbow down on the side you rotate.

  • Do this as long as you can.

  • Russian twists help enhance your rotational strength and power as the movement is similar to your golf swing.

  • Additionally, Russian Twists can improve your swing speed by developing a strong core, which is essential for optimal performance in golf.

Bird Dog

golf core exercise bird dog
  • Start on your hands and knees with your hands under your shoulders and knees bent under your hips.

  • Reach one leg up and out so it lines up with your back.

  • Reach the opposite side arm straight out in front.

  • Switch sides and do this as long as you can.

  • These core strengthening exercises help you balance during your golf swing.

Superman Holds

golf core superman hold
  • Lay face-first on the ground with your arms stretched out above your head and legs straight back.

  • Lift both arms into the air simultaneously with both legs lifted off the ground.

  • Hold this for as long as possible.

  • This helps strengthen the lower back muscles.

These exercises translate to better golf performance by improving overall core strength and stability, providing better balance, which is essential for your golf swing, and increasing rotational power, which will result in a higher club head speed.

Rotational Core Exercises for a Powerful Golf Swing

Medicine Ball Rotational Throws

medicine ball golf core excercise
  • Stand with your feet flat, shoulder-width apart, holding a medicine ball at chest level.

  • Rotate your torso to one side, then explosively rotate to the other side.

  • Throw the ball against a wall or to a partner.

  • Catch and repeat for several repetitions on each side.

Cable Rotations

golf core excercises cable rotations
  • Stand sideways to a cable machine with the handle at chest height.

  • Grasp the handle with both hands and rotate your torso away from the machine.

  • Control the movement as you return to the starting position.

  • Perform sets on both sides.

Standing Wood Chops

  • Use a cable machine or resistance band attached at a high point.

  • Start with arms extended overhead, then “chop” diagonally across your body.

  • Control the return to the starting position.

  • Alternate sides for each set.

By incorporating these rotational core exercises into your fitness routine, you can develop the strength and power necessary for a more explosive and controlled golf swing, which will ultimately improve your performance on the course.

Core Stability Exercises for Better Balance in Your Golf Game

Single-Leg Romanian Deadlifts

  • Stand on your left foot, hinge at the hip, and lower your upper body while raising the opposite right foot and leg behind you.

  • Maintain a straight back and engage your core throughout the movement.

  • Perform three sets of 8-10 reps per leg.

Stability Ball Jackknives

  • Start in a plank position with your feet on a stability ball.

  • Pull your knees towards your chest, rolling the ball forward.

  • Slowly extend your legs back to the starting position.

  • Perform three sets of 12-15 reps.

Pallof Press

  • Stand sideways to a cable machine or resistance band.

  • Press the handle or band straight out before you, resisting rotation.

  • Hold for a few seconds, then return to the starting position.

  • Perform three sets of 10 reps on each side.

Good stability is extremely important for hitting more consistent golf shots. It helps improve your overall balance, which allows for a more repeatable golf swing. Enhanced rotation control helps you maintain proper posture during your swing while adding extra distance to each shot.

Advanced Core Strength Exercises for Serious Golfers

TRX Fallouts

  • Start standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding the TRX handles at chest level.

  • Lean forward, extending your arms in front of you.

  • Lower your body towards the ground while keeping your core tight.

  • Pull yourself back to the starting position using your core muscles.

Bosu Ball Planks With Rotation

  • Start in a plank position with your forearms on the flat side of a Bosu ball.

  • Maintain a strong plank position while slowly rotating your hips to one side.

  • Return to the center and rotate to the other side.

  • This exercise improves rotational stability and strengthens your oblique muscles.

Renegade Rows

  • Start in a pushup position with a dumbbell in each hand.

  • Perform a row by lifting one dumbbell to your chest while stabilizing your body.

  • Lower the dumbbell and repeat on the other side.

  • This exercise targets the core, back, and shoulder blades while improving stability.

If you are serious about golf and getting better, it is important to progressively improve your core workouts as you go.

This will help further strengthen the muscles required to improve strength, balance, and stability for your golf swing. It will also noticeably add distance to each shot.

Incorporating Core Exercises into Your Daily Golf Fitness Routine

Incorporating core exercises into your golf fitness routine is essential for improving your swing power, stability, and overall performance on the course.

The frequency and duration of your core workouts should be about 2-3 sessions per week, with each session lasting about 15-20 minutes. Consistency is key to seeing tangible improvements in your golf game.

Combining core exercises with other golf-specific training is also important, and you can do this by incorporating rotational movements and functional exercises that mimic the golf swing.

Below is a sample weekly workout plan that I follow to help me with my golf game:

  • Monday: Focus on stability exercises such as planks and bird dogs.

  • Wednesday: Focus on rotational power exercises like wood chops and medicine ball throws.

  • Friday: Target core strengthening exercises like pallof presses and stability ball jackknives.

Basic exercises are essential if you are a beginner, and you should not exert too much effort. Doing so can cause more harm than good and cause further injuries that will hinder your golf swing.

You can move to more advanced ones once you get more comfortable and consistent with the basic exercises.

Core Exercises to Alleviate and Prevent Back Pain in Golfers

Cat-Cow Stretches

  • Get on all fours on a yoga mat.

  • Alternate between arching your back (cow) and rounding it (cat).

  • These exercise stretches help improve spine flexibility and relieve tension in the lower back.

Glute Bridges

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.

  • Lift your hips off the ground, engaging your glutes and core.

  • Hold for a few seconds, then lower back down.

  • This helps to strengthen your glutes, hips, and lower back.

Dead Bugs

  • Lie on your back with your arms extended toward the ceiling and your legs in a tabletop position.

  • Slowly lower each opposite arm and leg toward the floor while keeping the core engaged.

  • Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

  • This is excellent for core stability and lower back protection.

Building strength in a strong core will improve your stability and posture and help prevent injuries due to the torque of each golf swing. It will also help increase your endurance, which will leave you feeling less fatigued after each golf round.

Frequently Asked Questions About Golf Core Exercises (FAQs)

How often should I do core exercises for golf?

Aim for 2-3 core workout sessions per week. Consistency is key for seeing improvements in your golf game.

Can core exercises help reduce back pain from golfing?

Yes, strengthening your core can help alleviate and prevent back pain. Exercises like cat-cow stretches and glute bridges are particularly beneficial.

What’s the best core exercise for improving golf swing power?

Rotational exercises like medicine ball throws are excellent for developing golf swing power. They mimic the twisting motion of your swing.

How long does it take to see improvements in my golf game from core training?

With consistent training, you may notice improvements in 4-6 weeks. However, individual results can vary based on factors like frequency and intensity of workouts.

Are planks good for golf?

Yes, planks are excellent for golf as they improve core stability. Try variations like side planks and planks with rotation for added benefits.


From basic planks to advanced rotational exercises, I’ve covered a spectrum of moves that can transform your game.

Remember, consistency is key. Start with the basics, progress gradually, and watch as your drives become longer, your swings more controlled, and your scores lower. Incorporating these core exercises into your routine can be a game-changer.

So grab that medicine ball, hit the gym, or even just clear some space in your living room and try some golf core exercises out! Your journey to a stronger golf game starts now!

Ryan William
Ryan William

With over 25 years hands-on experience in the golfing world, Ryan is not just an avid golfer but a topical authority. His journey has had him delve deep into the nuances of the sport, from mastering the swing to understanding new golf technology. As an entrepreneur, Ryan is at the forefront of the latest golf trends, reviewing all new clubs, accessories, and training aids. His insights and expertise are backed by a prolific writing career, with over 1000 articles published across various platforms. Ryan's commitment is clear: to guide and inform the golf community with unparalleled knowledge and passion.

Last update on 2024-10-05 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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