10 Best Golf Stretches for Flexibility to Try Today

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I can tell you firsthand that flexibility is a game-changer! It’s not just about touching your toes – it’s about unlocking your full potential on the green. In this guide, I’ll show you all of the essential golf stretches you should add to your arsenal for more flexibility.

I’ve seen my swing transform, my power skyrocket, and my risk of injury plummet, all thanks to a focus on flexibility. Trust me, whether you’re a weekend warrior or a seasoned pro, incorporating stretching into your routine can take your game to new heights.

Let’s dive in and explore the connection between flexibility and success on the course!

The images on this post are taken from Muscle Wikia – thanks to them!

Equipment for Golf Stretching

For the most part, you can do your golf stretches with just your body or with a golf club for leverage. However, I like to throw some resistance bands in my bag, which help to loosen things up a bit more.

These are the resistance bands that Scottie Scheffler uses. They can be purchased worldwide off of Amazon.

The Connection Between Flexibility and Golf Performance

I can’t stress enough how crucial flexibility is for our performance on the course. I’ve personally experienced its impact on various aspects of my game.

When I started focusing on my flexibility, I noticed a huge difference in my swing mechanics. I could suddenly achieve a fuller range of motion throughout my swing. I found myself maintaining better posture, rotating more effectively, and hitting those sweet spots at critical moments – especially at the top of my backswing and during follow-through.

When I improved my flexibility, particularly in my shoulders, hips, and torso, I unlocked new power. I could create this amazing separation between my upper and lower body during the backswing.

My pro teacher calls it the X-factor, and he’s right. This increased separation stores up energy like a coiled spring, leading to higher clubhead speed and greater distance on my shots.

Who doesn’t want to outdrive their buddies, right?

I used to struggle with back strains and shoulder pain after a long day on the course. Since I’ve been working on my flexibility, those aches and pains have become a thing of the past. My muscles and joints can now handle the repetitive motions and forces of my swing much better.

Trust me, your future self will thank you for focusing on flexibility now!

best golf stretches to swing like tiger woods

Pre-Round Warm Up Golf Stretches

Warming up before a round of golf is crucial for optimizing performance and reducing the risk of injury. Studies have shown that warming up before your golf round can positively impact your game.

Dynamic stretching, which involves moving through sport-specific ranges of motion, is far more effective than traditional static stretching for preparing the body for golf. Static stretching, where muscles are held in a stretched position for 15-30 seconds, has been found to potentially hinder performance and even “deaden” muscles temporarily. Instead, focus on dynamic warm-up exercises that mimic the golf swing’s movements.

My favorite dynamic warm up exercises are:

  • Torse rotations

  • Arm cicles

  • Leg swings

  • Hip rotations

  • Walking Lunges with a Twist

  • Shoulder Blade Squeezes

  • Wrist Flexor and Extensor Stretches

  • Neck Rotations

  • Standing Scorpion

  • Windmills

These exercises are perfect for golf-specific movements and activate the muscles needed for an effective swing.

Upper Body Golf Stretches for an Improved Swing

To keep your upper body ready for the course, here are my favorite upper body stretches.

Shoulder Rotator Stretch

  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart

  • Extend both arms out to the sides at shoulder height

  • Make small circular motions with your arms, gradually increasing the size of the circles

  • Do ten forward circles, then ten backward circles

  • This helps warm up the rotator cuff muscles, which are crucial for the golf swing

Chest Opener Stretch

  • Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart

  • Extend your arms out to the sides at shoulder height, palms facing forward

  • Swing your arms backward, squeezing your shoulder blades together

  • Then swing your arms forward, crossing them in front of your chest

  • Repeat this back-and-forth motion 10-15 times

  • This stretch helps improve chest flexibility and shoulder mobility

Triceps Stretch

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart

  • Raise your right arm overhead, then bend your elbow to lower your hand behind your head

  • Use your left hand to gently push your right elbow back

  • Release and straighten your right arm

  • Repeat this bending and straightening motion ten times, then switch arms

  • This helps warm up the triceps, which are important for the follow-through in your swing

Torso Rotation Stretch

  • Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart

  • Hold a golf club across your shoulders, behind your neck

  • Keeping your hips stable, rotate your upper body to the right, then to the left

  • Start with small rotations and gradually increase the range of motion

  • Perform 10-15 rotations to each side

  • This stretch mimics the rotational movement of the golf swing and helps improve core flexibility

Arm Crossover Stretch

  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart

  • Extend your right arm straight out in front of you at shoulder height

  • Use your left hand to gently pull your right arm across your chest

  • Hold for a few seconds, then release

  • Repeat 10 times, then switch arms

  • This stretch targets the shoulders and upper back muscles

Wrist Flexor and Extensor Stretch

  • Stand with your arms extended in front of you

  • With your right hand, gently bend your left wrist back, fingers pointing up

  • Hold for a few seconds, then use your right hand to bend your left wrist forward

  • Repeat this flexion and extension 10 times, then switch hands

  • This stretch helps improve wrist flexibility, crucial for club control

wrist flexor golf stretches

Upper Back Stretch

  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart

  • Interlace your fingers and extend your arms forward at shoulder height

  • Round your upper back, pushing your hands away from your body

  • Hold for a few seconds, then release

  • Repeat this motion 10-15 times

  • This stretch helps loosen up the upper back muscles used in the golf swing

Core and Lower Back Stretches for Golf

Get maximum rotation with these lower body movements.

Standing Rotation Stretch

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart

  • Hold a golf club horizontally across your shoulders, behind your neck

  • Keeping your hips stable, rotate your upper body to the right

  • Then, rotate to the left in a smooth, controlled motion

  • Start with small rotations and gradually increase the range of motion

  • Perform 10-15 rotations to each side

Cat-Cow Stretch

  • Start on your hands and knees, with your hands directly under your shoulders and knees under your hips

  • As you inhale, arch your back, lifting your chest and tailbone towards the ceiling (Cow pose)

  • As you exhale, round your spine, tucking your chin to your chest and your tailbone under (Cat pose)

  • Flow between these two positions in a smooth, continuous motion

  • Perform 10-15 repetitions

  • This stretch helps improve spinal mobility and flexibility in your lower back

cat cow golf stretch

Seated Spinal Twist Stretch

  • Sit on the ground with your legs extended in front of you

  • Bend your right knee and place your right foot on the outside of your left thigh

  • Place your left hand on the ground behind you for support

  • Gently twist your torso to the right, placing your right hand behind you

  • Hold for a moment, then slowly return to the center

  • Repeat on the other side

  • Perform 5-8 twists on each side, moving in and out of the twist smoothly

  • This stretch helps improve rotational flexibility in your spine

Standing Side Bend Stretch

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart

  • Raise your arms overhead, interlacing your fingers with palms facing up

  • Keeping your lower body stable, bend to the right side

  • Return to the center, then bend to the left side

  • Perform this side-to-side motion in a smooth, continuous manner

  • Do 10-15 repetitions on each side

  • This stretch helps improve lateral flexibility in your core and lower back

Hip Rotator Stretch

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground

  • Cross your right ankle over your left knee, creating a figure-4 shape

  • Gently press your right knee away from your body

  • Hold for a few seconds, then release

  • Repeat 10 times, then switch legs

  • This stretch targets the hip rotators, crucial for a fluid golf swing

Lunge with Rotation

  • Step forward into a lunge position, right foot in front

  • Keep your back straight and core engaged

  • Place both hands on your right thigh

  • Slowly rotate your upper body to the right

  • Return to center, then step back to starting position

  • Repeat 10 times on each side

  • This dynamic stretch combines lower body flexibility with core rotation

lunge with rotation golf stretches

Core flexibility in golf enhances posture stability, allows for a fuller rotation during the backswing, promotes a more efficient transfer of power from the lower body to the upper body, and helps maintain balance throughout the swing. This ultimately leads to improved accuracy and distance in shots while reducing the risk of lower back injuries.

Lower Body Golf Stretches to Enhance Your Game

Hip Flexor Stretch

  • Start in a lunge position with your right foot forward and left knee on the ground

  • Place your hands on your right thigh for balance

  • Gently push your hips forward while keeping your back straight

  • Hold for a moment, then return to the starting position

  • Repeat this forward and back motion 10-15 times

  • Switch legs and repeat

  • This stretch helps improve hip mobility, crucial for rotation in your golf swing

Hamstring Stretch

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart

  • Take a small step forward with your right foot

  • Keeping your back straight, hinge at your hips and reach towards your right foot

  • Only go as far as comfortable, feeling the stretch in your hamstring

  • Return to the starting position

  • Repeat 10-15 times, then switch legs

  • This stretch improves hamstring flexibility, important for maintaining posture during your swing

Calf Stretch

  • Stand with your feet together

  • Step your right foot forward about two feet

  • Bend your right knee while keeping your left leg straight and heel on the ground

  • Lean forward slightly, feeling the stretch in your left calf

  • Hold for a moment, then return to the starting position

  • Repeat this rocking motion 10-15 times, then switch legs

  • This stretch enhances ankle mobility, crucial for weight transfer in your golf swing

Quadriceps Stretch

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart

  • Bend your right knee, bringing your heel towards your buttocks

  • Grab your right foot with your right hand

  • Gently pull your heel closer to your buttocks, then release

  • Repeat this pull and release motion 10-15 times

  • Switch legs and repeat

  • This stretch improves quad flexibility, important for maintaining balance during your swing

Incorporating these dynamic lower body stretches into your pre-round routine can improve your swing’s leg drive, improve balance, and reduce the risk of lower body injuries.

Wrist and Forearm Golf Stretches for Better Club Control

Wrist Flexor Stretch

  • Stand or sit with your arm extended in front of you, palm facing up.

  • Use your other hand to pull your fingers back towards your body gently

  • Hold for a moment, feeling the stretch in your inner forearm.

  • Then, release the stretch and return to the starting position.

  • Repeat this pull and release motion 10-15 times.

  • Switch hands and repeat.

  • This stretch helps improve flexibility in the muscles that control wrist flexion, crucial for maintaining proper wrist angles during your swing.

Wrist Extensor Stretch

  • Extend your arm in front of you with your palm facing down.

  • Use your other hand to pull your hand down towards the floor gently

  • Hold for a moment, feeling the stretch on the top of your forearm.

  • Release the stretch and return to the starting position.

  • Repeat this pull and release motion 10-15 times.

  • Switch hands and repeat.

  • This stretch enhances flexibility in the muscles that control wrist extension, important for maintaining wrist position at impact.

Forearm Rotations Stretch

  • Stand with your arms at your sides, elbows bent at 90 degrees.

  • Rotate your forearms so your palms face up, then down.

  • Perform this rotation in a smooth, controlled manner.

  • Start slowly and gradually increase the speed

  • Do 15-20 rotations in each direction

  • This exercise improves forearm mobility and can help with club face control during your swing.

Incorporating these dynamic wrist and forearm stretches into your pre-round routine can potentially improve club control, give you a better feel for the club throughout your swing, and reduce the risk of wrist injuries.

Post-Round Cooldown and Recovery Stretches

Standing Shoulder Rolls

  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart

  • Roll your shoulders forward in large circles ten times

  • Then roll them backward ten times

  • This helps release tension in the shoulders and upper back after swinging

Walking Lunges with Torso Rotation

  • Take a large step forward into a lunge position

  • As you lunge, rotate your upper body toward the front leg

  • Push off the front foot to bring your back leg forward into the next lunge, rotating to the other side

  • Repeat for 10-15 steps per leg

  • This stretch helps cool down the legs and core while maintaining mobility

Cooldown stretching after a round of golf has many benefits. In addition to aiding in recovery, it also helps prevent stiffness and soreness.

Stretching also helps you relax while maintaining flexibility for future golf rounds, helping to ensure your body feels its best.

Incorporating Golf Stretches Into Your Daily Routine

I’ve found that squeezing in 10-15 minutes of golf stretches every day has been a total game-changer for my swing. Mornings work best for me – it’s like oiling the joints before I hit the course.

But hey, evening stretches are great too for shaking off the day’s tension.

I love mixing these stretches with my core workouts. It’s like a one-two punch for my golf performance. The flexibility from stretching plus the strength from core exercises? That’s my secret sauce for a killer drive.

Here’s a pro tip: try yoga or Pilates once a week. I was initially skeptical, but it’s done wonders for my flexibility and core strength. Plus, it helps me stay zen when I’m lining up those tricky putts.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Stretching For Golf

I used to stretch like I was training for Cirque du Soleil, and ended up benched with muscle strains. Now, I take it slow and steady. It might take longer, but my body thanks me every time I tee off.

Another rookie mistake?

Focusing only on my upper body. I’d stretch my back and shoulders like crazy, completely ignoring my legs and core.

The result? A wonky swing and some nasty lower back pain. These days, I give equal love to all my muscle groups. It’s amazing how much smoother my swing feels when everything’s in sync.

I’ve learned the hard way about proper form too.

Now, I breathe steadily through each stretch and always warm up with some light cardio first. It’s all about playing the long game (pun totally intended). Taking care of our bodies with the right stretching techniques means we’ll be crushing drives for years to come.

Frequently Asked Questions About Golf Flexibility (FAQs)

How often should I stretch to improve my golf flexibility?

Experts recommend stretching daily for at least 10-15 minutes, focusing on golf-specific exercises. Consistency is key for seeing long-term improvements in your flexibility and swing.

Can flexibility exercises help with my slice?

Improved flexibility can contribute to better swing mechanics, which may help reduce a slice. However, it’s best to combine flexibility work with proper swing technique for optimal results.

At what age should golfers start focusing on flexibility?

It’s never too early or too late to start working on flexibility. Golfers of all ages can benefit from improved range of motion and reduced injury risk.

How long does it take to see results from flexibility training?

You will see improvements in your swing and overall comfort on the course within 4-6 weeks of consistent stretching. However, individual results may vary.

Can increased flexibility help with putting?

Better flexibility, especially in the wrists and shoulders, can lead to a smoother putting stroke. It allows for more control and consistency in your short game.


Flexibility is the secret weapon that can elevate your golf game to new heights. A well-rounded stretching routine is invaluable for enhancing your swing mechanics, boosting power generation, and reducing injury risk.

Remember, consistency is key!

Incorporate dynamic stretches before your round and post-round recovery stretches to maximize benefits. Don’t fall into common stretching pitfalls – be patient, balanced, and mindful in your approach. By prioritizing flexibility, you’re not just improving your golf performance – you’re investing in a lifetime of enjoyment on the course.

Ryan William
Ryan William

With over 25 years hands-on experience in the golfing world, Ryan is not just an avid golfer but a topical authority. His journey has had him delve deep into the nuances of the sport, from mastering the swing to understanding new golf technology. As an entrepreneur, Ryan is at the forefront of the latest golf trends, reviewing all new clubs, accessories, and training aids. His insights and expertise are backed by a prolific writing career, with over 1000 articles published across various platforms. Ryan's commitment is clear: to guide and inform the golf community with unparalleled knowledge and passion.

Last update on 2024-10-05 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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